Wingfoiling the Tetons

I’ve had some great foiling sessions since we left DC. Down the East Coast as we stayed in one great beach after another I expected to get in some winging and I wasn’t disappointed. Since we left the coast I’ve also found some wind and water in Missouri, South Dakota, Nebraska, and today I checked the box for Wyoming as I flew across Jackson Lake underneath Grand Teton and the rest of the mountain chain. The wind was far from ideal but the experience and scenery will be tough to match.

For my waterborne friends I will say the conditions were 3g11 with 90 deg bearing shifts and those gusts didn’t come very often. Nearly 2h20m time on the water and I only managed 7.9 miles. That was a lot of slogging and a little bit of foiling.

Struggling to stay on foil after a gybe
Launched from Colter Bay Campground – Red is fast green is slow.

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