Taking a Break in CT

The last two years of post Coast Guard life have been great. Dozens or hundreds of adventures depending on how you count. At the same time, because we are always traveling, being spontaneous with a new opportunity that pops up can be difficult. Hard to grab a bike ride with a friend in DC when we are in Sicily, or go boating with a friend in Washington when we are visiting family in CT. It can feel like putting a square peg through a round hole. When you are already on vacation it feels weird to travel somewhere for a different vacation. 

We are currently guests at the farm cottage of some of our longest friends, Jeff and Sarah Daigle, in Maryland. Monday I saw that my parents had a big tree come down and Dad was busy dismantling it. I took the chance to go be helpful and spontaneous. Grabbed a train from Baltimore to Connecticut on Tuesday and by Wednesday afternoon Dad and I had finished dismantling the tree. With the work finished quicker than we had anticipated, and my return train ticket not valid until Friday afternoon, we doubled down on the spontaneity and decided to surprise Mom with an overnight trip the next day up to Cape Cod.

We tidied up my grandparent’s grave site in South Chatham, had some lobster and enjoyed the scenery. We watched a lightening storm cross Nantucket Sound, kept our fingers crossed for the sky to clear in time for a full moon rise in front of Chatham Light, they didn’t. Tried to pet a coyote! We found the cutest stereotypical Cape cottage for the night and spent an hour cleaning up an ant infestation before getting some sleep. Found a craft coffee place in Brewster and had a 10/10 breakfast at the Chatham Airport. Grabbed candy to bring back for the kids at Candy Manor and headed off the Cape as traffic slowed to a crawl in the opposite direction. People starting their Memorial Day weekend plans on the Cape. It’s now 6PM Friday and I’m on the train. Thanks in advance to Jeff who is picking me up in Baltimore while Regan and Aleah are camping with friends in Assateague. Jack is at the farm getting ready for lifeguard duty tomorrow, first day of paid employment in his life. 

The Blomshield Nomads are off to a great start this summer!

1 thought on “Taking a Break in CT”

  1. Susan Blomshield

    Loved your account of our serendipitous time together. So much joy in my heart for that extra special time with you. Thank you for most of all for the gift of your time. 💕

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