Steamship Arabia

While in Kansas City we have been finding fun mini adventures to fill our days. Today we headed into the city to visit the Steamship Arabia museum. This museum is dedicated to displaying the artifacts found when the Steamship Arabia was uncovered from its grave in a Kansas cornfield. The ship had sunk in 1856 while traveling on the Missouri River and was quickly devoured by the mud of the bottom.

Anchor and capstan

Over time the river has changed course and the boat was no longer laying in the river. The ship was found 40 feet underground and half a mile from the current river bank. The family that researched and uncovered it opened the museum to share the treasures with the world. It felt like walking through a time capsule!

3 thoughts on “Steamship Arabia”

  1. The Heinz History Museum here has a tiny section on this in their Pgh. history area. I think maybe it was built here??? There is some Pgh. connection anyway

    1. April, I had to look it up! Yes, there is a Pittsburgh connection. The steamboat was built in Brownsville, PA and first launched from Pittsburgh to work the Mon and Ohio. After a few years it was sold and moved to the Missouri. Thanks for pointing that out!

      1. Friday I met Sue and Dick in Hudson OH. I learned about the Arabia and very much enjoyed our time together.h

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