Our First Hiccups

Heading down to our first overnight enroute to Camp Lejeune, NC. We had reservations at Weldon Mills Distillery in Weldon, NC for a free overnight of camping in their parking lot. Side note: Weldon, NC is the Rockfish Capital of the World.  Too bad we aren’t staying long enough for Jack to fish.  

South of Richmond, on I-95 we realized that we would need to stop and get gas within the next few days. Chris noticed that the gas gauge in the truck was reading lower than ¾ and that should only happen when the aux tank is empty. The gauge for the aux tank is low under the dash of the driver, close to his left foot, but not in a position that he can see it while driving.  Therefore, I leaned over with my phone and attempted to take a photo of it, because I also could not see it.  This is what we saw.  Guess it is time to find a truck stop fill the 105 gallon aux tank and the 35 gallon truck tank.

While at the truck stop, we followed our checklist and did a full check of the RV before moving forward. STOP. We have a problem.  

Wow! That is 20degrees different from how we started the trip!

The bicycles and our beautiful bike rack are falling off the bumper. The bumper has failed and is collapsing into itself and who knows how much longer before the bikes would have become more highway debris.  

            Chris has been worried about this problem for months. He has tried many different configurations of the bikes around the RV and the truck, even a crazy idea like this:

Oh, this was sure to get us pulled over by a cop!

More than anything he did not want to put the bikes in the RV and deal with the dirt and grease they bring with them.  

New plan, all bikes go into the RV. Let’s move people!  

Sadly, this put us even further behind and we pulled into the distillery 2 hours after closing. No award winning bourbon for us.

Next morning, Chris has found a welder! We are going to get up and head towards the shop (2hrs away) and call from the road as soon as the shop opens. Wait. First we need to fill a tire with air.  It looks like one of our trailer tires has a slow leak.  Something else to take care of this week.  Thankfully, Chris is prepared for this a great air compressor.  I hope this tire lets us make it to the beach!

5 thoughts on “Our First Hiccups”

    1. Stephanie McAndrew

      Thanks for working out all the hiccups for us before we take an epic RC trip 😉 praying for smooth sailing after these hiccups for you!

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