Back in DC

When we left DC a year ago we knew we were leaving an amazing group of people and a wonderful homeschool experience. Our brief visit back in the area has allowed us to participate in a few exciting activities with our old group.

“Your wish is granted”

Friday night was the monthly teen event and the theme was built around the movie, Big and carnival food. We have been trying to convince Jack for a year that he would love the movie, so I was excited for him to have some peer pressure and finally watch it. I think Aleah’s favorite part of the night was the cotton candy machine.

Aleah’s favorite food

The kids also were able to participate in homeschool PE on three separate days. Perfect for Jack who now has the attitude that any day he can play sports is a good day.

We were also able to briefly reconnect with old friends and play with the most adorable three year old who will finally acknowledge our existence.

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