Asking the Oracle

Upon arriving back on the mainland of Greece, we quickly (ok, not quickly it took us FOREVER to ride the metro to the airport from the port and then WAIT for the rental car shuttle) but we EVENTUALLY made it into a car and on our way to Delphi!

Delphi is the center of the world, as declared by Zeus. And this is the belly button to mark it.

Our plan was to arrive in Delphi and visit the archaeological site and museum before closing hours at 1530 and spend the night in the historic town. Plan achieved!

Gorgeous views from town. Yes, that is a valley full of olive trees.

We arrived at 1315 and our hotel quickly checked us in and shooed us away in order to have the most amount of time at the site. We were close enough that we enjoyed a stroll down the pedestrian walk all the way to the site. We did stop a few times for photos because the views were wonderful!

We decided to enter the actual site first because we wanted to allocate the most amount of time there and were willing to skip the museum if necessary. We toured the site using a Rick Steves guide book to walk us through and point out the most important items and put them in historical context for us.

Luckily we were able to finish with enough time left to also enter the museum where they house all the great findings that are being preserved for the future.

Hanging out with Socrates

The dinner that followed was a delight to the tastebuds and a perfect end to our Thanksiving Day.

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