A Lake 4th

We were at the Stevens’s house for the Fourth of July weekend. The house is right on a lake, it’s so close that instead of a backyard there is a beach.

The backyard

The lake gets super deep really quick, which is nice because I can dive off of the dock. There’s also a boat which I went out on once, but since we’re not allowed to go tubing behind it and I don’t really like wakeboarding I didn’t go out again. They also have this large floating foam platform that was really fun. I did a lot of flips off it and it was also really fun trying to knock people off of it.

Apparently every year on the Fourth of July every house on the lake lights off a bunch of fireworks and this year was no exception. Before it got dark we lit off some small fireworks in the street in front of the house. There were a bunch that spun and flew off into the sky and some that just spun around on the ground. Some sparked around and some made nothing but smoke. We also threw some that did nothing but make noise. When it got dark we grabbed some boxes of fireworks and lit those off. When we ran out of those we set off some bottle rockets which was very fun because I got to set off a bunch of them. This has definitely been the most fun Fourth of July ever.

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