Beauty IS a Beast – Fulltime Families Style

This week I’ve been working hard on memorizing my part in a play that Full Time Families was performing. I got the main part with somewhere around 200 lines and about a week to memorize them. The play’s name was Beauty Is a Beast and it took place long ago in a fairytale world with a girl named Beauty who is a absolute jerk that throws rocks at peasants and wears pretty dresses, don’t I fit the role? Beauty has a sister name Honor who is really nice to everyone. Beauty also has a fairy godmother who rewards Honor with a prince for being so good and makes Beauty ugly for being so mean. Beauty finds a place for herself with the peasants and in a day is transformed from a brat to a blessing for the people around her.

On the first day we all sat in a circle and read through the entire play front to back. It was a long time and we accidentally skipped some lines. At that point we all had the same thought, how are we going to memorize all of this in one week? We hardly went on the stage that day but we worked on some of the hardest parts.

A rough dress rehearsal

At first we only did one play practice a day but then it turned into two longer sessions plus a few extra classes for the main parts. Most days practice was right after sports camp and so we would bring our lunches and we would have “lunch and lines.” The classes were usually about an hour long with the longest being two and a half hours. Thankfully everyone’s hard work payed off because when the play rolled around, we were all off script and in the right positions. We might have made a few missteps but the play went smoothly with one exception. A large amount of families people attended the performance and unfortunately the ones in the very back could barely hear what we were saying. Also, we had planned for it to be past sunset when we performed at seven but we forgot about daylight savings time and instead it was still very bright! Our theater had a lot of windows so whenever we turned out the lights to signal the end of a scene, it was still very bright. Otherwise, it was a perfect performance!

I didn’t win?!

There where also a few blips in the practices like a few people said other people’s lines, that was pretty funny and it was really sad when we didn’t use one of the props that was worked really hard on.

Now go watch the video!!!

2 thoughts on “Beauty IS a Beast – Fulltime Families Style”

  1. Congratulations for working so hard and having such a fun result! We loved watching your Dad’s videos and clapped throughout, even though you couldn’t hear us! 💕!

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