Friendships Over Time

After a 3 hour dinner!

Visiting the Pacific Northwest has been like coming home for us in many ways. It was the first place we lived as adults out on our own, and the first place we put down some roots and made adult lasting memories.

2003 Shon with her first puppy, Heidi.

While here I made my first civilian AND military spouse friend, Shon. I didn’t get to see Shon much because she lived in Port Angeles and I lived in Seattle. I only ventured to Port Angeles when Chris’s ship was also inport, and unfortunately it was not often that both our ships were in at the same time.


18 years ago Shon and I said “see you later” knowing how in the Coast Guard you have a tendency to run in to people again. It is definitely one of the benefits of being in a small service. However, our paths have not crossed again, until we made them do so today.

We haven’t changed a bit, right?!

1 thought on “Friendships Over Time”

  1. Love this!! It is so special to be able to reconnect after so long! So much life in between yet there we were in a little restaurant in PT like no time had passed. Hugs to you friend ❤️

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