You Don’t Know Jack(alope)

We are going to visit Cody, Wyoming again, and for a while I was excited that I would get to see Mr. Brad’s son Justin, but then I found out that he would have to leave to see his mom in Ohio before we arrived. Then we got an invitation to come with them to the National Museum of Military Vehicles in Dubois, which is the largest private collection of its kind, so I did get to see him after all. They had pretty much every single kind of military vehicle, although there were only two planes and one helicopter and only one boat, so really it was the museum of military land vehicles. There were a lot of tanks, but also many other kinds of vehicle. There were a bunch of half tracks, which is a vehicle with normal front wheels and tank treads instead of back wheels. There were also many mortars and field guns. As well as vehicles, there was an exhibit on guns and many shells and bombs on display. There were also a few luxury cars for the generals to drive around in.

The museum also had sections on several of the wars the United States participated in, such as World War II and the Korean War. My favorite section though was the Vietnam War section. There was a very interesting part of it that looked like a bamboo forest which showed many of the traps employed by the North Vietnamese Army (NVA) and the Vietcong (VC). There was also a short documentary where a veteran talked about how the NVA and VC would take unexploded mines and shells from them and rig them up to explode with tripwires.

After visiting the museum we went to a restaurant for lunch with Mr. Brad, Ms. Kristie and Justin. Both Justin and I had a burger called the “All American”. It was a burger with onions, onion rings, American cheese, bacon and barbecue sauce. It was delicious. The restaurant was famous for pie, so we each had a slice. I had apple cherry and so did Aleah. That was also delicious. Then we went to a gas station to buy more pie and I got to ride on a Jackalope!! We definitely had a fun time in da boys (Dubois).

5 thoughts on “You Don’t Know Jack(alope)”

  1. So glad you got to see Justin! Sounds like a great museum! As you requested, a nice change for you from all of the fossils! 😁
    I loved the details of some of the things you saw there, and that burger and pie has me salivating! 😂

  2. Becky Williams

    Jack, Aleah, Regan and Chris – it was so great to meet you all and enjoy camping next to you the past few days! Today we made our way out of Grand Teton and Asher got to sit on the Jackalope. 🙂 I wish we had more time for the National Museum of Military Vehicles, it sounds so interesting! Thanks for sharing your blog and writing about your experiences. We look forward to keeping track of where you travel and where you find your forever home! Becky, Dave and Asher

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