
Let’s talk about the cost of diesel. The truck has a 32 gallon tank. Before launching, Chris added an auxiliary tank that holds 105 gallons. Wow, that is a lot of fuel, and we have already filled up twice!

The auxiliary tank is such a time saver! Chris installed it so that it automatically feeds the main tank whenever the main tank gets to 1/2 full. We only need to start worrying when the fuel gauge of the truck reads below 1/2.

A few months ago, the RV community told us about a fuel card that we could apply for. It is offered from TSD Logistics and it is for truckers, but RVers can qualify too. This card gives a contracted rate for diesel, that beats the advertised price by A LOT!

We use an app they supply and look for the best price around. To get the special rate, we must use truck lanes, so we pull our RV right between the big rigs while we fill up!

We average 12 mpg with mixed driving. We cruise at 55-60 mph when we are towing. We figure there is no rush when you are retired.

With our fuel capacity we have about a 1200 mile range plus a reserve. This means that most of our stops with the trailer are to use the bathroom and stretch our legs. We can stop at most Welcome Centers or rest areas without worrying about if fuel is available. This avoids the hustle and bustle places and since we pack a meal for the drives that need it, we don’t even have to worry about food options.

2 thoughts on “Diesel”

  1. What’s your name on your card? I’ll recommend to my dad who does a lot of RVing throughout the years. I think ya’ll could get a $25 referral if he list whoever’s name is on the card. Looks like ya’ll are having a blast so far.

    1. Chris Blomshield

      Thanks for thinking of it Bruce. It’s under Chris Blomshield. We are having a great time. Today was falconing and touring the Biltmore Estate, the largest private residence in the United States. I’m sure Regan or or the kids will post about it soon.

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